廖艺鞠 Liao Yiju
博士后 PostDoc
2023-08至今 上海交通大学 环境科学与工程学院 博士后
2018-01 至 2023-08 Oakland University 环境化学 博士
2013-09 至 2017-06 华北电力大学(北京) 新能源科学与工程 学士
研究方向/Research interests
  • 水热环境中的有机官能团转化
  • 水热系统中无机矿物盐影响有机物转化的研究

1. Liao, Y.; Aspin, A.; Yang, Z. Anaerobic oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids under hydrothermal conditions, RSC advances 2022, 12, 1738-1741.

2. Liao, Y.; Aspin, A.; Fu, X.; Yang, Z. Hydrothermal Transformations of Alcohols with Copper(II) and Iron(III) Salts,ACS Earth & Space Chemistry 2021, 5, 2021-2031.

3. Robinson, K. J.; Bockisch, C.; Gould, I. R.; Liao, Y.; Yang Z.; Glein, C. R.; Shaver, G. D.; Hartnett, H. E; Williams, L. B.; Shock, E. L. Quantifying the extent of amide and peptide bond synthesis across conditions relevant to geologic and planetary environments, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2021, 300, 318-332.

4. Fu, X.; Liao, Y.; Aspin, A.; Yang, Z. Effect of copper salts on amide hydrothermal formation and reactivity, ACS Earth&Space Chemistry 2020, 4, 1596-1603.

5. Fu, X.; Liao, Y.; Glein, C. R., Jamison, M., Hayes, K., Zaporski, J., Yang, Z., Direct synthesis of amides from amines and carboxylic acids under hydrothermal conditions, ACS Earth&Space Chemistry 2020, 4, 722-729.

6. Fu, X.; Jamison, M.; Jubb, A. M.; Liao, Y.; Aspin, A.; Hayes, K.; Glein, C. R.; Yang, Z. Effect of copper salts onhydrothermal oxidative decarboxylation: a study of phenylacetic acid, Chemical Communications 2020, 56, 2791-2794.

7. Yang, Z.; Liao, Y.; Fu, X.; Zaporski, J.; Peters, S.; Jamison, M.; Liu, Y.; Wullschleger, S. D.; Graham, D. E.; Gu, B., Temperature sensitivity of mineral-enzyme interactions on the hydrolysis of cellobiose and indican by β-glucosidase, Science of the total environment 2019, 686, 1194-1201.

会议报告/Conference presentation

1. Liao Y., Aspin A., Yang Z., Abiotic Production of Carboxylic Acids from Aldehydes in Hydrothermal Systems. AbSciCon 2022, Atlanta, GA, May 2022.

2. Aspin A., Liao Y., Firestone Z., Yang Z., Hydrothermal Transformation of Alkenes in Relation to Prebiotic Synthesis of Aldehydes. AbSciCon 2022, Atlanta, GA, May 2022.

3. Yang Z., Liao Y., Aspin A., Prebiotic synthesis of amide bonds and implications for origin of life. Goldschmidt2021• Virtual, July 2021.

4. Fu X., Liao Y., Hayes K., Jamison M., Glein C., Yang Z., Does copper control the fate of organic acids in hydrothermal systems?. The American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2019.

5. Yang Z., Fu X., Liao Y., Jamison M., Hayes K., Thelander I., Formation and stability of amides in hydrothermal systems. Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain, August 2019.

6. Fu X., Liao Y., Jamison M., Hayes K., Yang Z., Direct synthesis of amides under hydrothermal conditions. AbSciCon 2019, Seattle, WA, June 2019.

7. Yang Z., Fu X., Liao Y., Thelander I., The influence of Earth abundant minerals in deep ocean hydrothermal organic transformations. 2018 Midwest Geobiology Symposium, Chicago, IL, October 2018.